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WorldCat Discovery

A guide to searching and navigating results in the Library's discovery layer, WorldCat Discovery.

Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search feature to create a more targeted, strategic search. Access it by selecting the Advanced Search link under the WorldCat Discovery search button:

Screen capture of link to Advanced Search.

Use the drop down arrow to select a field to search.

Screen capture of the drop down menu of fields that are searchable in WorldCat Discovery, including: accession number, author, author phrase, ISBN, ISSN, Journal source, Journal source phrase, Keyword, Subject, Subject phrase, Title, and Title Phrase.

Add additional rows, fields, and search terms to strengthen your search. To add additional rows to your search, select:Screen capture of a button that says "Add row".

The drop down options under AND allow you to expand your search (by selecting OR) or narrow it (by selecting AND or NOT). For more information about using AND, OR, and NOT, check out the Library's tips for better keyword searching.

By default, WorldCat Discovery searches the database. On the right side of the screen, you can add additional databases to the search.

Screen capture of WorldCat Discovery database options, with all options collapsed and default "" database selected.To view the other database options available through WorldCat Discovery, use the arrows next to General Databases, Other Databases, or All Databases to expand a list of databases.


Screen capture of the database selection interface with the "General Database" subsection expanded.Select one or more additional databases to search. When you're finished selecting databases, select:

A screen capture of the "Save Changes" button.

The databases you've selected should now be listed under Searching Databases.





Narrow your search by adding limits. Options may* include:

Format: Limit your search to Books, Print or eBooks, Articles, etc.

Year: Limit your results to a single year or a range of years.

Language: Limit your results to a single language.

Audience: Limit your results to items intended for children vs. items intended for adults here.

Content: Limit your search to fiction, non-fiction, biography, or thesis here.

Library: Discovery is defaulted to search "Libraries Worldwide", which includes our Library’s resources, as well as other libraries that use WorldCat products. Limit your search to the University of Winnipeg Library by selecting it here.



*Search limit options vary depending on which databases are selected. The ones listed here are available when searching Other databases may provide fewer or different options.

Navigating Search Results

Narrow your search results using the options in the left column. Options include:

Library: Discovery is defaulted to search our Library’s resources, as well as other libraries that use WorldCat products. Narrow your search to the University of Winnipeg Library by selecting it here.

Content: If you’re searching for articles, narrow to those that are available in full text and/or those that are peer reviewed here.

Format: Narrow your search to Books, Print or eBooks, Articles, etc.

Databases: If you've selected multiple databases to search, use this limiter to narrow to one of them if desired.

Author: Select a preferred author here.

Year: Narrow your results to a single year, the last 5, 10, or 25 years, or a range of your choice here.

Language: Narrow your results to a single language here.

Topic: Further narrow your results by a subject.

Search results are displayed with minimal information here, including title, author, date of publication, the resource's availability and location (for print) or a link to the resource (for electronic).To find out more about a resource, click its title.

After clicking on the title of a resource, the "Item Detail" feature will expand. Click on any of these sections to expand them:

Description: View a full description of the resource (including a summary, subjects, a contents list, and more).
Editions & Formats: Check if other formats (i.e. print or electronic)  or editions of the resource are available.
Availability/Holdings: See if the resource is available at our Library, and copy down its call number. If the Library does not have a copy, request it from another library by selecting Screenshot of button that says "Request Item Through InterLibrary Loan"..

To close the item detail view and return to the regular results list, click A screen capture of the Close Item Detail button in WorldCat Discovery's Item Detail view.

A screen capture of the Item Detail for the book The Dream-quest of unknown Kadath, by H P Lovecraft.


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