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French Studies

This Guide provides a starting point for materials on French Studies.

UWinnipeg Calendar Description (2016)

FREN-3283 (3) Modern and Contemporary Life-Narratives - In twentieth and twenty-first-century from Proust and Colette to Annie Ernaux and Le Clezio, the representation of the self has undergone several transformations in form, content and generic boundaries. This course studies different genres: autobiography, autofiction and memoir. Students are invited to explore the meanings of these texts and what they conceal about modernity and our contemporary age.

Sample Searches in WorldCat

su:"Authors, French" AND kw:"Proust, Marcel"

au:"Le Clezio"

ti:"Le Procès-Verbal" AND au:"Le Clezio"

su:"Alzheimer's disease" AND au:"Annie Ernaux"

au:"Colette," AND (su:autobiography OR su:biography OR su:autofiction OR su:memoir)

Use Subject Headings

Use Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) to find all the material on a particular subject:

su:Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 Criticism and interpretation.

su:Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 Critique et interprétation.

su:Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.

Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 -- Biography (Classic Catalogue)

Subject Headings can be found in the upper right of the WorldCat interface or under "Subject" in the Classic Catalogue.

Scholarly Journal Databases

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