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German Studies

This Guide provides a starting point for materials on German Studies.

Citation Tools


RefWorks is available to all UWinnipeg staff, faculty and students. It is a web-based citation management tool that allows you to build a personal database of bibliographic information accessible from any location, and easily create work cited lists or bibliographies.

Tip: If You Quote It, Note It

Remember to always properly document the sources you have used to write your essay; failure to do so can result in academic penalties.  For further information see Section VII - Academic Regulations and Policies in the Course Calendar.

Citation Guides and Resources

General Citation Guides:



For further information consult:  Publication manual of the American Psychological Association available at uwinnipeg library Call# BF 76.7 P38



For further information consult:  MLA handbook for writers of research papers available at uwinnipeg library Call# LB 2369 G53

Turabian / Chicago


For further information consult:  A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations available at uwinnipeg library Call# LB 2369 T87M36 or The Chicago manual of style Call# LB 2369 C55

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