Handbook of Computational Economics by Hans M. Amman (Editor); David A. Kendrick (Editor); John Rust (Editor); Kenneth J. Arrow (Contribution by); Michael D. Intriligator (Contribution by)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HB 135 H356 1996 v.1
ISBN: 0444898573
Publication Date: 1996-06-13
Handbook of Development Economics by T. Paul Schultz (Editor); John Strauss (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HD 82 H275 v.1-v.3 (A&B)
ISBN: 0444531009
Publication Date: 2008-04-07
Handbook of Environmental Economics by Karl-Göran Mäler (Editor); Jeffrey R. Vincent (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HC 79 E5H32852 2003 v.1-v.3
ISBN: 0444511458
Publication Date: 2005-12-21
Handbook of Financial Economics by James L. Bicksler (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HG 175 H36 1979
ISBN: 0444852247
Publication Date: 1980-01-01
Handbook of Health Economics by A. J. Culyer (Editor); J. P. Newhouse (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) RA 410 H255 2000 v.1A-v.1B
ISBN: 0444822909
Publication Date: 2000-07-19
Handbook of International Economics by Ronald W. Jones (Editor); Peter B. Kenen (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HF 1411 H257 v.1-v.3
ISBN: 0444866892
Publication Date: 1988-05-01
Handbook of Mathematical Economics by Kenneth Joseph Arrow; Michael D. Intriligator (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HB 135 H357 v.1-v.3
ISBN: 0444860541
Publication Date: 1986-07-01
Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics by Allen V. Kneese (Editor); James L. Sweeney (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HD 9502 A2H257 v.1-v.3
ISBN: 0444876456
Publication Date: 1985-08-01
Handbook of Population and Family Economics by M. R. Rosenzweig (Editor); O. Stark (Editor)
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HB 849.41 H36 2003 v.1A-v.1B
ISBN: 0444826459
Publication Date: 1997-04-23
Handbook of Public Economics by Alan J. Auerbach; Martin Feldstein
Call Number: Main Stacks (UW) HJ 141 H36 1985 v.1-v.2
ISBN: 0444876677
Publication Date: 1988-02-01
Other Selected Economics-Related Handbooks
Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research by Stephen L. MorganWhat constitutes a causal explanation, and must an explanation be causal?aWhat warrants a causal inference, as opposed to a descriptive regularity?aWhat techniques are available to detect when causal effects are present, and when can these techniques be used to identify the relative importance of these effects?aWhat complications do the interactions of individuals create for these techniques?aWhen can mixed methods of analysis be used to deepen causal accounts?aMust causal claims include generative mechanisms, and how effective are empirical methods designed to discover them?aThe Handbook of Causal Anlaysis for Social Research tackles these questions with nineteen chapters from leading scholars in sociology, statistics, public health, computer science, and human development.aa"
ISBN: 9789400760943
Publication Date: 2013-01-01
Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation by D. Marc Kilgour; Colin EdenThe field of Group Decision and Negotiation can be described as the empirical, formal, computational, and strategic analysis of group decision-making and negotiation, especially from the points of view of Management Science and Operations Research. Group Decision and Negotiation crosses many traditional disciplinary boundaries, and has connections to business administration and business strategy, management science, systems engineering, computer science, mathematics, and law, as well as economics, psychology, and other social sciences. The Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation is intended to become the major reference in the field. The only current references are the highly successful journal Group Decision and Negotiation, as well as the books of the Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation series, and a few other journals. Researchers, students, and practitioners in this growing field sorely need a good general reference.
ISBN: 9789048190973
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
Essentials of Risk Theory by Sabine RoeserRisk has become one of the main topics in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine and economics, and it is also studied by social scientists, psychologists and legal scholars. This SpringerEssentials versionoffers an overview of the in-depth handbook and highlights some of the main points covered in the Handbook of Risk Theory. The topic of risk also leads to more fundamental questions such as: What is risk? What can decision theory contribute to the analysis of risk? What does the human perception of risk mean for society? How should we judge whether a risk is morally acceptable or not? Over the last couple of decades questions like these have attracted interest from philosophers and other scholars into risk theory. This brief offers the essentials of the handbook provides for an overview into key topics in a major new field of research andaddresses a wide range of topics, ranging from decision theory, risk perception to ethics and social implications of risk. It aims to promote communication and information among all those who are interested in theoretical issues concerning risk and uncertainty. TheEssentials of Risk Theorybrings together internationally leading philosophers and scholars from other disciplines who work on risk theory. The contributions are accessibly written and highly relevant to issues that are studied by risk scholars. The Essentials of Risk Theory will be a helpful starting point for all risk scholars who are interested in broadening and deepening their current perspectives?
ISBN: 9789400754553
Publication Date: 2013-01-01
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality by Jane D. McLeodThis volume provides the first comprehensive overview of social psychological research on inequality for a graduate student and professional audience. Drawing on all of the major theoretical traditions in sociological social psychology, its chapters demonstrate the relevance of social psychological processes to this central sociological concern. Each chapter in the volume has a distinct substantive focus, but the chapters will also share common emphases on: ? The unique contributions of sociological social psychology ? The historical roots of social psychological concepts and theories in classic sociological writings ? The complementary and conflicting insights that derive from different social psychological traditions in sociology. This Handbook is of interest to graduate students preparing for careers in social psychology or in inequality, professional sociologists and university/college libraries.
ISBN: 9789401790024
Publication Date: 2014-01-01
Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research by Kenneth C. Land (Editor); M. Joseph Sirgy (Editor); Alex C. Michalos (Editor)The aim of the Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research is to create an overview of the field of Quality of Life (QOL) studies in the early years of the 21st century that can be updated and improved upon as the field evolves and the century unfolds. Social indicators are statistical time series "...used to monitor the social system, helping to identify changes and to guide intervention to alter the course of social change". Examples include unemployment rates, crime rates, estimates of life expectancy, health status indices, school enrollment rates, average achievement scores, election voting rates, and measures of subjective well-being such as satisfaction with life-as-a-whole and with specific domains or aspects of life. This book provides a review of the historical development of the field including the history of QOL in medicine and mental health as well as the research related to quality-of-work-life (QWL) programs. It discusses several of QOL main concepts: happiness, positive psychology, and subjective wellbeing. Relations between spirituality and religiousness and QOL are examined as are the effects of educational attainment on QOL and marketing, and the associations with economic growth. The book goes on to investigate methodological approaches and issues that should be considered in measuring and analysing quality of life from a quantitative perspective. The final chapters are dedicated to research on elements of QOL in a broad range of countries and populations.
ISBN: 9789400724204
Publication Date: 2011-11-26
Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics by Morris AltmanOffering the comprehensive articulation of behavioral economics theory, this book includes coverage of critical areas such as the Economic Agent, Context and Modeling, Decision Making, Experiments and Implications, Labor Issues, Household and Family Issues, Life and Death, Taxation, Ethical Investment and Tipping, and more.