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Emphasis on the historical, institutional, and theoretical background of modern economics from a Canadian perspective

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Economics consists of many different subject areas. In the Library of Congress Classification Scheme (LCCS), which is used by most academic and research libraries, Economics is primarily found in HB and HC, however, topics such as economic growth and labor can be found in HD. Public finance, including taxation, is largely organized under HJ, and regional economics topics are mainly organized under HT. While Economics can be found throughout H, topics are also covered outside H. As an example, economics that ties into to behaviour of economics, including motivation and decision making, can be found in BF.

HB1-3840 Economic theory. Demography
HB71-74 Economics as a science. Relation to other subjects
HB75-130 History of economics. History of economic theory (Including special economic schools)
HB131-147 Methodology
HB135-147 Mathematical economics. Quantitative methods (Including econometrics, input-output analysis, game theory)
HB201-206 Value. Utility
HB221-236 Price
HB238-251 Competition. Production. Wealth
HB501 Capital. Capitalism
HB522-715 Income. Factor shares
HB535-551 Interest
HB601 Profit
HB615-715 Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty. Property
HB801-843 Consumption. Demand
HB846-846.8 Welfare theory
HB848-3697 Demography. Population. Vital events
HB3711-3840 Business cycles. Economic fluctuations

HC10-1085 Economic history and conditions
HC79 Special topics (Including air pollution, automation, consumer demand, famines, flow of funds, etc.)

HD72-88 Economic growth, development, planning.
HD5701-6000.9 Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand (Including unemployment, manpower policy, occupational training, employment agencies)

HF1-6182 Commerce
HF294-343 Boards of trade. Chambers of commerce. Merchants' associations
HF1014 Balance of trade
HF1021-1027 Commercial geography. Economic geography
HF1040-1054 Commodities. Commercial products
HF1701-4055 Tariff. Free trade. Protectionism. By region or country

HG201-1496 Money
HG1501-3550 Banking
HG3810-4000 Foreign exchange. International finance.
International monetary system
HG4001-4285 Finance management. Business finance.
Corporation finance
HG4301-4480.9 Trust services. Trust companies
HG4501-6051 Investment, capital formation, speculation
HG4530 Investment companies. Investment trusts.Mutual funds
HG4538 Foreign investments
HG4551-4598 Stock exchanges
HG4621 Stockbrokers. Security dealers. Investment advisors

HJ9-9940 Public finance
HJ2240-5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue
HJ7461-7980 Expenditures. Government spending
HJ8001-8899 Public debts


CHOICE Oustanding Academic Titles (A-G) in Economics from 2010-2014 held in the UWinnipeg collection

CHOICE Oustanding Academic Titles (G-Z) in Economics from 2010-2014 held in the UWinnipeg collection

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