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Nominal Census Returns: Ontario

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  • Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario Index)
    A database containing the names of all heads of households and "strays," from the 1871 census of Ontario.
  • Ontario Genealogical Society Provincial Index
    (OGSPI), a "hypertext library established in 1997 as a volunteer project" to index genealogical sources on Ontario families. Some census records have been indexed for every year from 1852 to 1911, with each year being given its own coverage guide and browsable surname index. Containing 1,496,642 names (not all from census records) as of March 2009, this site is the largest non-commercial one of its kind.
  • Ontario GenWeb`s Census Project
    A rapidly growing, searchable collection of transcripts of Ontario census records, mostly for 1891 and 1901. Where available, these transcriptions are often more complete than those in OGSPI above, which sometimes omit such data as occupations and religious affiliations. As of November 2008 there were 845 transcriptions containing 1,326,351 names, each covering one township for one census year.
  • Ontario Locator
    Currently (April 2005) has information on over 13,000 Ontario places and land formations. An offshoot site, Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project, may also be useful for identifying names of small places.

Subject Guide

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John Dobson
University of Winnipeg Library
Room 4C15d
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9

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