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Inclusive Education

This guide will help students find and access library resources related to special education and teaching exceptional children.

Key Databases

Tips for Quality Keyword Searching

Phrase searching: placing quotation marks around phrases will search the exact phrase as opposed to each individual word. e.g. "fetal alcohol syndrome"

Truncation: Use an asterisk to search for multiple endings of a term. e.g. behavio*

AND: Narrow your search to include items that contain both/all terms. e.g. "fetal alcohol syndrome" AND behavio*

OR: Broaden your search to include synonyms or related concepts. e.g. "fetal alcohol syndrome" OR "fetal alcohol spectrum"

NOT: Narrow your search by eliminating items that contain certain unrelated terms. e.g pigeons NOT technology

Nesting: Join multiple searches together by nesting each within parentheses. e.g. ("fetal alcohol syndrome" OR "fetal alcohol spectrum") AND (psycholog* OR behav*) AND education

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