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Colonization, Decolonization and Postcolonialism: An Interdisciplinary Guide

Supports research in Indigenous Studies, History, Political Science, Women's and Gender Studies and Literary Studies.

Using Books for Research

The UW Library collection includes monographs (book on a single topic by one or many authors) as well as edited collections and anthologies (books in which each chapter is by different authors writing on a common theme) and grey literature. All can be useful for completing research assignments. (For more information on these types of library materials, see our YouTube video, Library Research Using Books). 


Selected Call Numbers

Because colonialism may be studied from many perspectives, not all the books you may need will be located in one place. Each geographical area affected by colonialism will address these impacts, so knowing where the histories of those countries are located is a good place to start (African nations, for example, are located in the DT's). Other general useful Library of Congress Call Numbers include;

For a good explanation of how the Classification scheme works, check out the Library's YouTube video, Understanding the Library of Congress Classification System.

Selected Subject Headings

These formal, official Subject Headings can be used in the UW Library catalogue to search for books and (to a lesser extent) articles. Remember to first type su: (for "Subject") into the search bar, and then the following terms:  

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