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CovidCampus Resources

Resources for UWinnipeg Faculty, staff, and students on the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as distance learning support.

UWinnipeg Online Teaching Resources

This section focuses on some of the tools provided by UWinnipeg that may help transition a class to online. 

A simple online class might include:

  • A Nexus page for the class, including a simple syllabus for the rest of the year
  • A Course Readings section, provided by Ares, for digital versions of the readings required
  • Links within your Nexus course to online Library content, such as journal articles
  • Links to a free and open textbook 
  • Links to video - either streaming films from the Library, or content you make yourself!

Much of the content you regularly use in teaching is licensed by the Library, or covered by an educational exception or fair dealing defense in the Copyright Act, but you should still pay attention to your copyright obligations. Don't forget to cite your sources!

More pedagogical tips and ideas can be found in Pivot to Online Tips and Best Practices.

The UWinnipeg Online Learning Management system is Nexus, which is administered by Student Learning Technologies Support.

Nexus allows you to put course content, readings, quizzes, and other course related materials all in one location, which students can access if they are registered in the course.

Contact the Nexus support team if you require additional assistance.

The Library administers the Course Readings/ Reserves service (via a tool called Ares). Course Reserves allows:

  • Reading materials to be made online for courses on Nexus, as well as those courses without a Nexus component.
  • Students can see all of the Reserve Readings in one easy online interface.
  • Course Reserves can be done either with the assistance of Library staff, or self-service.
  • Course Reserves includes checks and balances for Copyright Compliance.

Update April 6, 2020 - Library staff are currently unable to scan print materials. Library staff can now edit and upload additional electronic resources. All previously added course reserves material will continue to be available.

Canadian Course Readings has made their Course Pack materials available free of charge for 2020-2021 courses. Materials need to be requested before July 31, 2020, or when the funding runs out. An FAQ about the uses of these materials is available.

The University of Winnipeg Library subscribes to a number of eBooks. While titles may be limited in how many "copies" we have, many publishers have made their academic eBooks available to unlimited numbers of students and Faculty.

In addition to our subscriptions, there are a number of high quality academic open monograph publishers. Publishers such as Open Book Publishers have nearly 200 titles available on a broad range of academic topics, but mostly focused on humanities, SpringerOpen have nearly 1,000 titles in many fields with strength in STEM, and many more publishers have Open Access titles available through our catalogue or from our Open Educational Resources/ Textbooks page.

To find eBooks from the main library page, enter your search terms. Then, in the sidebar on results, select "eBooks" from the Format menu.

Showing select "eBook" from the Format menu

















When you view an eBook, you will likely also be able to see if we have unlimited subscriptions, as in this example.

From ProQuest eBook Central, in the Advanced search you can also limit your results to only titles with Unlimited access.

Some of the specific publishers who have increased access include:

The International Coalition of Library Consortia is also maintaining a list of publishers who have made additional offers. If Faculty or students need access to any of these resources and we do not appear to have them, please contact your subject librarian.

If you aren't already, familiarize yourself with the many online databases and journals that UWinnipeg Library offers in support of teaching and research.

For most, logging in to the proxy server will be required in order to access from home. Login using your WebAdvisor username and password.

Many journals have already lifted their paywalls on academic articles on COVID-19. A list can be found here.

In addition, remember there are many high quality, peer reviewed, open access journals that are easily and freely available for your students to access. Installing a browser extension like Unpaywall can help you find legal, free versions of your articles.

Additional resources that have been opened up due to COVID-19 include:

There are a growing number of high quality, scholarly, Open Textbooks and Open Educational resources. These resources typically allow adoption for classes for free, and adaptation. They may be a useful resource for ready-made online-instructional materials.

The University of Winnipeg Library, working with Campus Manitoba and BC Campus, provides access to over 300 academic textbooks authored by our colleagues. These textbooks are peer reviewed, free to use and adopt for your courses, and Canadian authored!

Follow the link below to see what has been added to the local collection so far:

You can also try a simple search for your subject by using the OASIS search box below!

If you have prepared a large amount of original teaching materials for your class as a document, web pages, etc, you may wish to make them openly shareable and available to your colleagues.  If you would like help with this process, please contact Brianne Selman.

The most common publishing platform for Open Educational Resources and Textbooks is Pressbooks

The Library currently cannot provide access to physical media such as DVDs and VHS tapes. Faculty who normally use and assign audio-visual materials in class have a couple of options when it comes to using these materials in an online classroom.

1) Showing Videos in (Online) Lectures

2) Streaming Videos

Please note: the Zoom Terms of Service prohibit screensharing DVDs and streaming video.

Showing Videos in (Online) Lectures

There are a number of educational exceptions in the Copyright Act meant to aid with using films and videos as teaching materials. Public Performance Rights are not required for showing films or playing music in classrooms.

Showing Films and Internet Materials - Section 29.5 of the Copyright Act allows for the use of personal copies of films - as long as they are legally acquired - to be shown in classrooms, without requiring additional rights or licenses. This means you can show your own DVDs, videos, etc., in class.  Similarly, Section 30.4 allows for the sharing of works available through the internet with students.

Online lessons - Section 30.1 allows for lessons that are "telecommunicated" (including online) to have the rights to the same exceptions, subject to certain conditions. A brief summary of how this exception might apply is that you may record and share lectures containing films, internet clips, etc, under the conditions that you limit the materials to sharing only with the class, destroy the copies 30 days after students receive grades, and take reasonable measures to prevent the materials from being used outside the purpose of the lesson.

Streaming Videos

The Library subscribes to a number of educational streaming on demand services. In order to use for online learning, proxy login will be required.

Note that due to costs and bandwidth requirements, these services are limited. They also have requirements for display. 

Criterion-On-Demand has made Fox Studios titles available off campus. Users will still see a restriction message in the title description stating that the title is only for use on-campus. This message will not disappear, but the user WILL NOT be prevented from accessing and playing the film.

Though physical access to the University’s Archives and Rare Books are unavailable, there are a number of online resources to use as teaching tools.  We have several platforms where we host digital content:



WinnSpace is the Institutional Repository of the University of Winnipeg. The repository collects, preserves, and disseminates the intellectual output of the university in digital format. WinnSpace is also openly accessible, which means that it is freely available to anyone via the World Wide Web.  WinnSpace can include items such as faculty publications; theses; learning objects; research, conference and working papers; technical reports; images; audio and video files; datasets and computer programs.



CONTENTdm is a platform to host the Archives’ digital collections, including archival images, newspapers, yearbooks, and more.  Though only a small percentage of our holdings are available online, we are continually adding new content.



Archive-It is a web-archiving platform where the Archives curates web collections, including the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies, UW Library Digital Collections, the Oral History Centre, Racism in Winnipeg, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Two-Spirited People Web Resources, the University of Winnipeg, Wet’suwet’en Resources in Manitoba, and COVID Resources in Manitoba.



This channel features digitized film and video from the holdings of the University of Winnipeg Archives.


Digital content is added on a regular basis.  We also regularly share archival images on Social Media @uwarchives (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).  For your research needs, you can also find many of our finding aids hosted on the Manitoba Archival Information Network.  However, digital objects are not hosted on this site.


We also have the following online collections.  Some are cross listed between multiple relevant subjects.


University records and history

The City Is Our Campus on Google Arts and Culture. Fifty Archival documents to celebrate the 50th anniversary of United College’s transition to the University of Winnipeg.

University of Winnipeg history timeline

Vox, 1897-1949, the yearbook of Wesley College and United College

(in)edition 1983-2002, the University's newsletter

Digitized campus film footage on Youtube

University of Winnipeg collection in the Western Canada Pictorial Index (WCPI)

Comparing campus past and present on Historypin

University of Winnipeg web collection on Archive-It


Two-Spirit history

Two-Spirit Archives digital collection on CONTENTdm

C2C: Two Spirit & Queer People of Colour Call to Conversation with LGBT and Allies on YouTube (20-22 October 2017)

University of Winnipeg Archives in the Digital Transgender Archive


Indigenous Collections

Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study (2006-2011) offers Canadians a new perspective on the values, experiences, and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in major Canadian cities

The Complete Indian News collection (1954-1982)

West Central Streets (1995-2011) publication

United Church collection in the WCPI

Racism in Winnipeg web collection on Archive-It

Truth and Reconciliation web collection on Archive-It


Women’s and Gender Studies

C2C: Two Spirit & Queer People of Colour Call to Conversation with LGBT and Allies on Youtube (20-22 October 2017)

Women's Studies collection in the WCPI


Urban and Inner-City Studies

The City Is Our Campus on the Google Cultural Institute.  Fifty Archival documents to celebrate the 50th anniversary of United College’s transition to the University of Winnipeg.

West Central Streets (1995-2011) publication

Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study (2006-2011) offers Canadians a new perspective on the values, experiences, and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in major Canadian cities

A Living Test Tube: Examining fifty years as an urban university

Institute of Urban Studies on WinnSpace


Western Canada Pictorial Index (WCPI)

Searchable database of descriptions

Digitized WCPI collections available online

In addition to what we host online, there are a number of online resources hosted by other institutions.  The most relevant for local history include the Manitobia (Manitoba newspapers), University of Manitoba Digital Collections, and Winnipeg In Focus (Archival images and exhibits from the City of Winnipeg Archives).  For national history, there are millions of digitized archives on the Library and Archives Canada website if you limit the search to “online”.


The best place to go for rare books, audio, video, TV, images, and archived web-content in the public domain is the Internet Archive.

Inquiries can be directed to:

Check out our website for more details:

There are a number of access issues to books and other print materials we know Faculty and students will face during the shift to remote teaching and learning. If you are Faculty concerned about access to resources previously held in print, contact your subject librarian as soon as possible to discuss alternatives. The Library may be able to purchase eBook versions of some books, but please keep in mind not everything is available in an electronic format. Commercial textbooks may present a particular difficulty.

There are a number of provisions in the Copyright Act that enable teaching and learning without undue restrictions. It is generally held that activities that are permissible in the classroom are permissible in an online learning classroom, though you will need to delete online copies 30 days after the end of the course. We encourage you to use the Nexus platform in combination with Ares when sharing materials, as this restricts access to those currently enrolled in the course.

Specific provisions include educational exceptions and the fair dealing exceptions.


  • Use your university password-protected Nexus course to make material available to your students, and to deliver lectures with copyrighted content.
  • Post your in-class slides to Nexus. Slides provided by textbook publishers can almost always be used, according to their Terms of Use.
  • Course readings rules for print and online posting to Nexus are similar. Either link to a resource within the Library catalogue, link out to Internet content (rather than uploading a copy), or use within the Copyright Policy Fair Dealing Guidelines.
  • Your Subject Librarian may be able to help you find alternative online content, and the Library catalogue has a large collection of online journals and ebooks that can help support online learning. In fact, many content providers have recently increased access to a variety of materials to ensure broader access by campuses. Your librarian can also help you find openly licensed teaching materials like Open Educational Resources (OER).
  • Use phone apps like Genius Scan or Adobe Scan to easily scan print documents in order to post print materials in Nexus/ Ares within the limits allowed by the Copyright Act (including fair dealing – see the Copyright Policy Fair Dealing Guidelines). Make scanned PDF files more accessible for your students by using an optical character recognition (OCR) online tool to convert "non-selectable" text files into more accessible versions.
  • Sharing audiovisual material like films and audio files is more complex. But remember you can still link to legally posted online content (from YouTube, etc, where many lectures and educational materials are available). UWinnipeg has streaming video that you may link to. Zoom's Terms of Service prohibit screensharing DVDs and streaming video.
  • Using copyrighted material in exams can be easy, as you can use the the Copyright Policy Fair Dealing Guidelines. If you need to use material beyond this, copyright exception s. 30.01 can also apply, contact Brianne Selman if you need help to implement this copyright exception as there are rules that need to be followed to use it. 
  • The Syllabus Service can help you copyright check readings, create links to ebooks and journal articles and more. 

Contact Brianne Selman with additional questions.

Thank you to Ann Ludbrook, Graeme Slaght, Heather Martin, Stephanie Orfano, and CARL for additional content. This was adapted from Ryerson Library with permission.

Update April 6, 2020 - Library staff are currently unable to scan print materials. Library staff can now edit and upload additional electronic resources. All previously added course reserves material will continue to be available.

If you are looking for a very simple flowchart for deciding how to present online course materials in a way that is Copyright Compliant, check out our Course Material Copyright Basics.

If you have additional copyright questions, please contact Brianne Selman, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian.

University of Winnipeg Faculty covered by the RAS and CAS collective agreements have the right to their own intellectual property when it comes to course design, syllabi, course materials, assignments, lectures, etc, whether for an online or offline course.  CAUT has reaffirmed that online course content should not be transferred to other instructors or institutions for the purposes of teaching a similar course without the permission of the creator of the course.

Creators of the work have the right to attribution and to decide how a work is shared, reproduced, and licensed (including adding open licenses such as Creative Commons). These rights do not override other rights, such as Fair Dealing rights, that students and other users of the work may have.

Course Materials/ Recordings

No entity or individual, outside of fair dealing rights or the exceptions below, is able to sell or distribute your intellectual property without your permission.

  • Students enrolled or auditing a course may share with other students enrolled or auditing the course, as long as they do not charge fellow students a fee. This sharing is governed by the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy and the Copyright Policy.  Students cannot use campus tools such as Nexus or email for commercial enterprise.
  • Accessibility Services may use copies in order to provide accommodations to students with an accessibility need. Students also have the right to course material that is in an accessible format under the Marrakesh Treaty.

Other misuses of intellectual property, such as plagiarism, are covered by the University of Winnipeg Academic Misconduct Policy.

Protecting Your Intellectual Property

  • While not legally necessary, it is helpful to include a copyright statement on all pages of course materials, in a header or footer, such as "© Faculty Name 2020." Some sites that share academic content, such as CourseHero, may filter out material if it includes language such as "This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed".
  • Consider which materials you may, and may not, want shared. Many Faculty share syllabi and course outlines freely with colleagues. Consider adding a Creative Commons licence to your syllabi if you are considering this. A license that includes "BY" will require that attribution to you is given if it is reused, though you always have the right to attribution for your intellectual property. You can also request that anyone reusing your materials for teaching or learning contact you, so that you can include this impact on your Activity Report.
  • Including your UWinnipeg email address on materials will make it easier for people who are interested in asking permission for reuse to contact you.
  • You may wish to include a statement on your syllabi that tells students clearly that you own the copyright to materials you have created, and that they must be used in accordance with the University Copyright Policy & Procedures. You may also wish to reiterate that students retain copyright to any works they submit to the class.
  • If you find your material on CourseHero, use their takedown portal to request it is removed. Sites are required to have information on who to contact to request materials be removed. If you need assistance with this, contact the Copyright Office.


If you have moved your course online, you may wish to include elements of library instruction into your Nexus course pages. Use the link below to download the most recent package of library instruction pages for Nexus. Once you have the file, you can import all or some of the pages into your course. Feel free to move and re-order the content to fit the needs of the class. (Note: this content has not yet been edited to reflect the Library's services during closure, so keep this in mind when sharing this information with your students).

You may also wish to have a librarian embedded in your online course. To do this, go to the Classlist and click Add Participants -> Add Existing Users. Here you can search for your librarian by name. Make sure you are adding a librarian and not a student with the same name (hint: librarians have no Org Defined IDs). Select the Librarian Role to give all the necessary permissions. Please consult with the librarian in advance to determine the appropriate level of involvement. 


Copyright | Accessibility | Terms of Use