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FREN-2384 - Avante-Garde French Literature

Browse the shelf for works of authors

The collection is organized by the Library of Congress Classification system.

Breton, André - PQ 2603 R35

Gide, André - PQ 2613 I2

Ionesco, Eugène - PQ 2617 O6


Subject Headings

Each book in the library is given at least one authorized Library of Congress Subject Heading. You can search for the authorized heading(s) associated with your topic in the LC Subject Authorities.


The following list is of broad subject divisions related to Avante-Garde. You may identify narrower subjects related to your topic within these lists, or by searching for your subject in the catalogue.

The above links provide default subject heading searches in WorldCat Discovery relevant to several topics in your course. Apply facets (left hand side of page) for location (e.g. University of Winnipeg Library), for format (e.g. Book or Print Book), and/or for Language (e.g. French) to refine your search results.

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