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Business and Administration

business and management principles, including the fundamentals of accounting, human resources, leadership and strategy, marketing, and operations management

Entrepreneurship Reference Works


What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is all about finding and developing a sustainable business concept. The word is derived from the French Entreprendre, or "to undertake."

The success or failure of a business depends largely on the quality of the business plan. The following are key steps in the development of a business plan:

  • Survey the business environment.
  • Examine the industry.
  • Research the market conditions.

This Course page is designed to help students use appropriate library resources to develop a business plan.

Industry Information

What industry are you in?

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) can help you define your industry. Each industry is given a number. This number can be used to locate industry specific information in a variety of databases.

Who else is in your industry (Competitors, Suppliers, etc.)?

The Canadian Company Capabilities (CCC) is a database of over 60,000 Canadian businesses.

SEDAR (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval) Provides access to most public securities documents and information filed by public companies.

Financial Data

Use the SME Benchmarking Tool to generate an industry report.

Students can get more detailed financial information, such as the Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Business and the Canadian Business Patterns, through the Data Librarian (Ian Fraser,, 204.786.9813).

Market Research

Who is your customer? Characteristics such as age, sex, income, and expenditures are key factors for the entrepreneur. Other industry specific factors such as health, recreation, travel, etc., are also important. Here are some resources to learn about your demographic:

Market Research Handbook

Canadian Demographics at a Glance

Consumer Trends Report

Statistics Canada Offers the following free summary tables related to Canadian Household Expenditures:

Spending Patterns in Canada

Other aspects of the Survey of Household Expenditures can be obtained throught the Data Librarian (Ian Fraser,, 204.786.9813)

The Geography of Markets

Location, Location, Location! Some enterprises thrive in one location and fail in another. Where you decide to sell your product is just as important as what you decide to sell.


For information about specific Winnipeg neighbourhoods, try the 2006 Winnipeg Neighbourhood Profiles. This will give you Census data down to a precise area of the city.


The 2006 Community Profiles (StatsCan) will give some key indicators about who lives in your community.

The Statistics Canada Census Tract (CT) Profiles allow you to search for census information about small geographic areas.


The TCS offers a free database of market reports on a wide range of locations, including intelligence on prominent industries in each market. You can access this free service by region or by sector. See Spotlight on Market Research for more.

Data Sources

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