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Course Reserves - Instructor Manual

A basic how-to guide for Ares, our new Course Reserves system

Cross-listed Courses

There are two important workflows to know about in the event that you are teaching a cross-listed course and wish to use Course Reserves.

1) Since each section of your course is listed as a separate course in Ares, you will have to add reserve items to each section of the course. However, once you have added the reserve items to one section, you can simply import them into other sections, so duplication of effort is kept to a minimum. For information on how to import items from one course to another, please refer to the "Importing a Reserve Item from a Previous Course" section of this guide, or contact reserves at if you need assistance.

2) If you use Nexus and have a cross-listed course homepage within Nexus, you can create a course reserves page for the joint course. The below instructions explain how to do this:

Instructors wishing to access Course Reserves directly from their individual Nexus course sites can do so by clicking on the Reserves link on the course navigation bar:


If your Nexus course site consists of combined sections/ cross listings**  you will see the following:

Select the correct semester from the pulldown menu and click the Create Course button. You will only need to do this the first time you access Course Reserves from Nexus.

**Note if your Nexus course site does not consist of combined section/ cross listings, you will not see this screen. 


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